The 5 Components of a Query Letter

I know, I talk a lot about queries and the querying process. You may have even heard me say most of this before, but I’ve decided to break it out again in a clean format. Because?

Query letters are hard.

Also? I made a nifty infographic!

Top 5 Songs To Query By

I’m back in the querying trenches, sending out my beloved manuscript that I’ve worked over and polished and revised oh so many times.

Sending it out and hoping for someone to want it. To love it the way I do.

Querying is the Worst

While I rewrite query letters for fun, writing my own is basically the worst. Here are a few reasons why writing your own query letter sucks, and a few things that query letter needs in it.

Don’t Self-Publish That Book 6 Minutes After You Finish Drafting It!

Recently, I was celebrating the anniversary of the time I finished rough drafting my first full manuscript, and a friend told me that I’d lost 8 years of royalties and should really finish it! He was trying to be encouraging and supportive, but instead, all I really have is a pile of justifications.

Now, I’m not saying you should wait as long as I have before putting your book out into the world, but there are a few reasons why you might wait before publishing.

Here are the 10 reasons I haven’t published yet. Tell me about YOUR publishing journey. How is it going?