Yes, That IS a ‘Real Word’

Language exists for one reason — to convey a thought or concept.

So what makes a word real? To me? If you’ve successfully conveyed your thought, you’ve used real words.

The 5 Components of a Query Letter

I know, I talk a lot about queries and the querying process. You may have even heard me say most of this before, but I’ve decided to break it out again in a clean format. Because?

Query letters are hard.

Also? I made a nifty infographic!

Top 5 Songs To Query By

I’m back in the querying trenches, sending out my beloved manuscript that I’ve worked over and polished and revised oh so many times.

Sending it out and hoping for someone to want it. To love it the way I do.

Burnout is a BEAST

It’s been a couple months and I wanted to check in. Apparently, being a blogger, Youtuber, podcaster, actively querying author, and social media addict for over 7 years can burn someone out. Who knew?