NaNoWriMo Resources

Whether you’re new to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) or just checking out how other people do it, here are my NaNoWriMo resources, all in one place.

10 NaNoWriMo posts to get you started

6 World Building Tips!

Writing Community!

One of the biggest parts of NaNoWriMo (that is completely optional! I didn’t participate for years), is the community. Obviously, the first spot to start is on the NaNoWriMo site, with your region. And, of course, the #nanowrimo on any social media platform.

There’s a big writing community on both Twitch and Youtube (authortube), where people talk about writing process, share tips, give personal writing updates, and even ‘write-ins’. I do 22 minute snack-fueled writing sprints, (because it’s 2022), every Sunday afternoon year ’round, sharing a timer, and then taking a break and chatting for 10-30 minutes with my co-hosts and people in the chat!

If you’re still stuck on Character, Plot, or Setting

Here are a few charts you could use to randomize your story:

P.S. If you want more NaNoWriMo content, I’ve got more blog posts that share my own personal journey along with the posts above here, a LOT of general Writing Tips, as well of a lot more posts related to the many aspects of World Building.