Image of a bookcase, with the text in front reading: "Morgan Hazelwood's AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Authors sharing books, dreams, and writing tips"

Author Spotlight: Sarena Ulibarri

Today’s Author Spotlight guest is Sarena Ulibarri, a #specFic author and editor who lives, writes, and plants trees in the american southwest. She’s debuting her #SolarPunk #Nutcracker retelling: Steel Tree

Plus, of course, sharing writing tips and more!

Image of a bookcase, with the text in front reading: "Morgan Hazelwood's AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Authors sharing books, dreams, and writing tips"

Author Spotlight: Melinda Mitchell

Today’s Author Spotlight guest is Melinda Mitchell, a science-fiction and fantasy author, debuting her first novel — Next of Kin, a #sf retelling of The Book of Ruth

She’s sharing writing tips and more!

NaNoWriMo Broke My Will Power Save

My executive function is completely broken, destroyed, and shattered. I know it’s completely my fault, and yet I’m doing absolutely nothing to stop it. It is taking so much energy, focus, and motivation to get my words in that I have absolutely no will power left to resist… myself. NaNoWriMo has completely broken my will power save.

Sparkly, lens flare looking background, photo of white woman with brown hair and a red shirt, holding a blue coffee mug with a dragon on it. Center text: "Morgan's Weekly Roundup" Image on left, drawing of white woman with brown hair, hair floating, small bronze dragon on her shoulders, books floating around her. Image of generic calendar bottom center.

Weeks In Review: November 28, 2023

This round up is a double-week, because OMG, I’ve been busy and didn’t post about it.

#NaNoWriMo has destroyed my executive dysfunction, but I’ve also read like 30+ books because I have no will power.

Thank you for reading/listening and keeping me from screaming into the void.