Morgan’s CapClave 2023 Roundup

This past weekend, I celebrated the end of September by heading to another writer convention: CapClave 2023. Held annually by the Washington DC Science Fiction Society (WSFS), its motto is “Where Reading is Not Extinct”.
I was on 4 panels, held a successful workshop, attended 4 panels, 1 concert, 1 book launch, and a reading.
Now, I recognize that I am privileged to have access to these sorts of events, and will be sharing my notes in the coming weeks. All in all, I had a lovely writer’s weekend. It was great to see old friends and meet new ones. And I can’t wait to see them again.
Have you attended any writer conventions? Do you have a favorite?
If you haven’t, are there any you would attend if you had the opportunity?

My WorldCon 2022 Recap

I’m back from WorldCon 2022 — otherwise known as ChiCon8. It was 6 days of travel, convention panels, seeing people who are already friends and making new ones.

Thanks to all the many amazing people who kindly let me geek out about this whole writing and content creation and social media thing!